Remnant Deluxe Starter Bundle
Start your Remnant Universe journey here! Contains:
The Remnant: Secret Files #0
64 PAGE COLLECTED EDITION The official handbook to The Remnant Universe. 64 pages of character profiles, journals and story! Compiled from entries from past Secret Files with updates and new information! Cover: Carlos Rodrigo, Periya Pillai Parables of the Remnant #0
72 Pages The Remnant are fighting a battle of biblical proportions. They are a society of heroes from different backgrounds, but one things unites them, their faith and purpose. Parables of the Remnant explored the origins and backgrounds of the mighty Heroes of the Remnant! This issue contains out of print and important Remnant Stories Including: The Origin of Grok Thief in the Night: Origin The Silent Knights Thief in the Night: Special Edition and more......... Parables of the Remnant #6
20 Pages Written by: Bill Raupp and Jose Cruz Art: Osvaldo Ferreira The buzzin' bumblebee Bzzt stars in his first solo story. Bzzt investigates a plot to extort farmers. Will he survive what he finds? On Sale On Sale Legacy Trading Card Set
Legacy of The Remnant 9 Card trading card set. Originally a year long Free card of the month for 2022.